PLOCAN – PLataforma Océanica de CANarias

oceanic research, created as a Consortium of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and the Canary Islands Government, as part of the implementation of the Spanish Roadmap. The Platform is located offshore, at the continental platform border in the proximity of Gran Canaria island, where the Consortium headquarters is located. The Consortium has been created on December 12th 2007 for a period of fifteen years.

The objectives of the consortium are to establish:

– A multifunctional integrated oceanic observatory of the deep ocean bottom, the
water column and the atmosphere.
– The national base of underwater vehicles and instruments for operation in Deep
– A technological testbed of materials, instruments and experiments in increasing
– An innovation platform based on the interaction of the Public science and
technology used in PLOCAN, with the enterprises interested in these subjects.

All these objectives will be carried out under sustainable environmental conditions.

-Marine Offshore R&D infrastructure
-Technological innovation platform
-Test bed
-Base for underwater vehicles and instruments
-Multi-disciplinary deep-sea water observatory
-High level training centre

Official Website PLOCAN


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